Identity Topics / Faith, Religion, and Spirituality Abroad

Faith, Religion, and Spirituality Abroad

Whether or not you identify with a particular religious or spiritual belief or practice, it's important to understand that religion has played, and continues to play, an important role in shaping cultures and societies here in the U.S. and abroad.

Wherever your education abroad program is, there will most likely be dominant and minority religions, as well as people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or non-practicing. For many students, maybe even yourself, the interaction between culture, religion, and your personal growth could be an extremely rewarding part of your program.​

Your personal beliefs and practices may be perceived and understood differently abroad than they are at home. While abroad, you may have encounters that challenge your notions of faith, religion, and spirituality. If not handled appropriately, these could lead to negative interactions between you and your host country or community. To prepare for handling those interactions, use the questions below to lead your research on your host country:

  • What do you know about the religion(s) of your host country and the role religion plays in society?
  • What is the attitude of people in your host country towards other religions?
  • How are religious holidays observed and celebrated? Will you want to participate?
  • Will you have access to a place of worship? If not, how will you adjust your practices while abroad?
  • Will your religion's holidays be observed and celebrated? How do you plan to observe holidays?
  • Will your religious dietary restrictions be accommodated in your host country?
  • If you plan to live in a homestay while abroad, are you open to living in a homestay with a similar or diverse religious background from yourself?
  • Are there special considerations you should make in regard to clothing, mannerisms, and interactions with others?
A simple google search of "your religion and studying abroad" or "your religion and your host country" could answer most of these questions.