Managing finances can be one of the biggest challenges when studying abroad. Planning ahead ensures you can pay for essential expenses, access funds when needed, and avoid unpleasant financial surprises. This page walks you through scholarships, billing, cash handling, credit cards, and smart spending habits.
Scholarships & Billing
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Overview: Scholarships and financial aid can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket costs, but the timing of disbursements often catches students by surprise.
- Disbursement Timing: Most University of Kentucky (UK) scholarships and federal financial aid are released at the start of the term you go abroad—meaning you may not see those funds until classes officially begin.
- Upfront Costs: If your program requires earlier payments (e.g., flight tickets, deposits, or housing fees), you’ll need to cover these upfront. Once your aid disburses, you can reimburse yourself for eligible expenses.
- Stay Informed: Check myUK or contact the Financial Aid Office for specific dates and award amounts. Planning ahead helps prevent last-minute scrambles.
Billing for EAP 599 / EAP400G
Overview: These are the courses that officially link your abroad experience to UK. Because they are UK courses, you’ll see them on your UK bill.
- UK Billing: EAP 599 or EAP400G tuition and fees are charged at the start of the term, just like on-campus courses. Keep an eye on your UK bill to avoid missed deadlines.
- Payment Deadlines: Failure to pay on time could result in late fees or a hold on your account, which might interfere with future registration.